
Priest Balanjaneyulu Kommuru is available to perform the following Hindu and Vedic services, poojas, and ceremonies at the temple or in your home. Sambhavna (Dakhshina) to our priest is at the discretion of devotees and is not included in the expected pooja service fees indicated below. Devotees must arrange all pooja supplies and the priest’s transportation to and from the temple.

For more information, please contact Priest Baluji at (347) 659-3797


Temple Services:

Service Price
Abhishekam (Group) $51.00 each
Archana (Group) $15.00 each
Ashtotra 108 Names (Group) $51.00 each
Hiranya Shradh $51.00 each
Homam/Havan (Group) $51.00 each
Kalyanam (Group) $51.00 each
Satyanarayan Pooja (Group) $51.00 each
Vahan Pooja (Automobile) $51.00 each

Temple or Home Services:

Service Price
Annapras $151.00
Baby Shower $151.00
Birthday (60 & up) $251.00
Engagement $151.00
Gruh Pravesh (House Warming) $201.00
Homam/Havan $151.00
Mundan Sanskar (Hair Ceremony) $151.00
Namakaran (Naming Ceremony) $151.00
Satyanarayan Pooja $151.00
Shanti Path $151.00
Shradh $151.00
Upanayanam (Thread Ceremony) $251.00
Wedding $500.00

Pooja Items:

Item Quantity
Pooja Samagri 1 packet
Havan Samagri 1 packet
Coconuts 2
Supari 10 pieces
Sweets/Prasad ---
Fruits 5 kinds
Flowers 1 bunch
Paan Leaves 10
Red Cloth 1 yard
Diya/Jyot ---
Cotton ---
Aluminium Foil 1 roll
Medium Aluminium Trays 2
Lota 1
Katoris 5
Thalis 5
Bed Sheet 1
Bhagwaan ki Murti/Photo 1
Rice 1 lb
Milk ---
Yogurt ---
Honey ---
Ghee ---
Sugar ---
Dry Fruits 5 kinds